Miss Bay is humbled and honoured that the Association of Singapore Marine Industries has featured Miss Bay in the February 2023 newsletter and given her the opportunity to serve the marine and offshore community by being the very first Individual Honorary Member (IHM).
Miss Bay has also been appointed to serve on the board of directors for Trampolene, a social enterprise that uplifts and equips special needs employability. Trampolene has set up Gates programme supported by Temasek Foundation along with other organisations to successfully transit special needs into the engineering industry.
Miss Bay has also been appointed as the academic advisory board of SSTC, a private institution that is ATO, PEI and Edutrust certified. One of her main responsibilities include reviewing new academic programmes as industry advisor to the engineering industry. So if there are skilled trade and engineering courses which will benefit the industry & needs curriculum development, you know whom to reach out to.
If your organisation is considering exploring opportunities of inclusivity and embracing diversity in your work force by providing an opportunity for this pool of candidates who have the potential to lead independent lives through offering them a chance at your work place, do let us know how we can partner with you.
"Belinda Bay has provided grounded approach of bringing us to the customers and even having customers visit our facility by marketing our products and services in ways which would appeal to what our clientele are looking for. She has also brought in capable human talent into our company whom are growing with us. She has also helped secured good & reliable principals for us to work with. For a SME we need consultants/ marketing strategist & specialist that can help us realise revenues and potentials in practical, effective and efficient ways. She has displayed these attributes to us where is different from our general perception of consultancy work."
We are appreciative of Miss Belinda Bay of Business Engineering Solutions whom met to our immediate business needs. We had shared our concern of how we wanted to work with a particular client and Miss Bay immediately sprung up to action the next day to provide a list of things to prepare prior to the physical connection and customer visit. We got the connection and she met to the specific request of target client whom we wanted to approach in a very short period. She had brought the client down and we did the tour of our facility together. Through time we became the client’s approved vendor. As an SME, we look for people to push and obtain results fast. We are glad to work with Miss Bay whom delivers results quick and gets the job done.